The Launch of First Talent Show “Tribunians Got Talent”was a huge success.
Story writers/monologue act/singers/dancers/speed Busters in solving cubes. All young artists came together for the show of the session 2023-24 hosted by Counseling Department of The Tribune School.
The School Head Mrs. Rani Poddar appreciated the students and inspired all students to participate and believe that they all are talented.
Winners were rewarded. Mrs. Rani Poddar sang a mesmerizing song for the students which enchanted the audience.
The Judges Ma’am Principal Rani Poddar, Mrs. Charu Malhotra and Mr. Atul Dubey took ample time to ensure that each talent is recognized and rewarded.
- Start Date:May 24, 2023
- Start Time:08:30
- End Date:May 24, 2023
- End Time:09:30
- Number of Participants:200
- Location:The Tribune School